Terms and Conditions - Storefront Business Directory
For Businesses
This Partnership is intended for store front (I.e., brick and mortar) businesses. Home based businesses should reach out to [email protected] for information about our small business directory program.
The CLCA reserves the exclusive right to accept or reject your business ad, with or without providing a reason. There is no further appeal beyond the CLCA Board.
This service is provided as-is and the program terms and conditions are subject to change at any time in the future.
This service is exclusively for businesses based within the geographic limits of the community of Legacy, whether or not the advertisers are members.
We may promote your business on our social media channels or other communication mediums (e.g., monthly newsletter, events, etc.) according to details you provide to us.
We encourage all our partners to provide a perk that works best for their store. It can be a cross the board discount (10% off any purchase) or in conjunction with a sale (buy XYZ and receive 10% off XYZ or XYZ free etc.)
CLCA is not responsible for managing any perk or promotion.
Membership cards should be provided to receive any CLCA perk.
All discounts and promotional CLCA perks will be updated on an annual basis. If owners would like to change/remove perk, we will require 24 hours written notice
For Users
All advertisements are as-is, and without warranty. The CLCA does not guarantee the integrity of the advertisements, nor your security of person or investment in the services. By using this site and ads, you waive your right to any claim against the CLCA, its directors, officers, employees, volunteers, agents, or other representatives harmless.
CLCA perks do require a membership and card will need to be provided for service.
You acknowledge the use of these sites is at your sole risk and discretion.